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The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
The Lantern English Co.
english program
The English program runs the complete school year, for a total of 32 weeks of instruction.
The English program costs $350 per year, per student.
We do offer a small multi-student discount; this will be automatically applied when you sign up two or more students from the same family.
You must complete payment at the end of the enrollment form in order for the enrollment(s) to be processed. Payment can be made using either a debit/credit card or a Paypal account. Although payment is made through OUR business Paypal account, you do NOT need a Paypal account to pay. We will NOT accept payment through any platform other than our enrollment form (no Venmo, Zelle, or checks).
We do not offer refunds for our English program. We strongly encourage thorough review of placement guidelines, class outlines, and samples in addition to asking us any questions you may have prior to enrolling and paying. If a situation arises in which the program is truly not suitable, we will work with the parent and student to modify the program so that the student can continue.
Above all, please ensure that you have considered your finances and properly planned prior to enrolling in any of our programs. We do not offer refunds because you can no longer afford a class, because you changed your mind, because you don't feel that the program is a good fit, or because something else came up. ​

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